

Please see the below message from the Bromley Borough SEND Programme Team

LBB EHCP Annual Review Pilot Project:

The London Borough of Bromley are currently considering new ways to deliver the Annual Review process. We are about the reach the pilot phase of the project with education providers.

The project aims to ensure EHCP Annual Reviews are:

  • Timely and meaningful to children/young people, their families and adults supporting them
  • Capture the wishes and aspirations of the child/young person and their family
  • Prepare the child/young person well for an adulthood their aspire to
  • Focussed on measuring progress towards outcomes from the EHCP
  • Simple and time efficient for everyone involved

The proposed new process will look slightly different to how we currently manage the EHCP Annual Review Process. Instead of amending EHCPs and issuing a new final plan after every Review. An amended Plan will only be produced when a child/young person is transferring into a new Key Stage (e.g., Nursery into Reception) or if there is a significant change in their needs or the provision they require to access learning and make progress; a ‘Transition and Change Review’.

Instead, between transition points an ‘Annual Progress Review’ will be held, where the child/young person’s progress and achievements are celebrated and new short term outcomes are agreed collaboratively and used to plan the support (from their Section F provision) for the upcoming year. The Plan will not be amended, but the Local Authority will store and monitor the child/young person’s progress and new short term outcomes.

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) recognises EHCPs do not need to be updated regularly, where the provision and outcomes remain appropriate. The professionals providing assessments, setting long term outcomes and recommending provision consider the progress the child/young person will make across a Key Stage, so it is not anticipated changes will need to be made in between.

However, it is recognised circumstances and needs can change, so this is a fluid process in which parent/carers and professionals can make recommendations for a ‘Transition and Change’ review outside of the Key Stage transition window. This will be agreed in partnership with the EHCP Coordinator.

We are keen to pilot the proposed new process, to ensure it fulfils the aims of the project before a wider roll out to all Bromley children/young people - LBB Annual Review Pilot team.

YVHSC and Bromley Parent Carer Forum (BPCF) are keen to ensure that parental input is included in the design of the new service. We felt that a survey (completed by parents/carers to children and young people with SEND) would be the best way to gather actual lived experience and to understand where the Annual Review process is going wrong for so many families. If you have a child with an EHCP in Bromley, please complete the following survey:

Many thanks in advance

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