Kent County Council (KCC) is consulting on our Post 16 Transport Policy Statements for the 2025-26 and 2026-27 academic years.
No significant changes are being proposed for the 2025-26 Post 16 Transport Policy Statement. However, we are legally required to consult every year. While there are no changes to the level of support being offered for 2025-26, we have clarified some wording in the policy relating to how contributions and refunds are made, to better explain these processes, and included some limited additional wording to clarify KCC’s current approach.
Have your say
Before making any decisions we need to understand and consider people’s views on our Post 16 Transport Policy Statements for 2025-26 and 2026-2027.
Your feedback is important in helping us to ensure we have considered the transport needs for eligible students and Post 16 learners that require additional support from KCC to get to their place of learning. We want to hear how these proposals could impact you and any alternative suggestions that we have not considered that you think we should.
Tell us what you think by completing the online questionnaire.