School Information
At Bromley Beacon Academy we have the highest expectations of, and aspirations for, all our students. Our Trust Board shares our belief that every student should have an equal opportunitiy to achieve their full potential. We share the drive to ensure that every student’s academic achievement and qualifications matter.
We make every effort to ensure that disadvantaged students receive outstanding support and believe that our core business is to ensure our students make at least good progress as a result of good or outstanding teaching. The Department for Education (DfE) provides additional Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) to all schools and academies based on the number of students eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and the number of children who are looked after (CLA) and the aim of PPF is to support schools in raising the achievement of the most disadvantaged students.
As an Academy, we recognise that it is not the funding itself that will improve achievement and attainment, but how it is used. The Department for Education (DfE) expects us to use PPF appropriately and to be accountable for the decisions we make. We also know that Ofsted consider the active involvement of governors as one of the characteristics of academies that are successfully using their PPF to improve achievement and that successful academies “thoroughly involve governors in the decision making and evaluation process”.
The Pupil Premium Plan is reviewed annually and impact reported on by the Pupil Premium Lead along with the appropriate SLT from each site. A member of the Trust is also appointed to review the plan with the Pupil Premium Lead throughout the year to ensure that targets are being met.
As Bromley Beacon Academy has Key Stage 2 pupils, we are entitled to School Sports Premium and have received funding since 2016/17. The related spending document for Sports Premium (below) will demonstrate the impact for 2016/17 to 2018/19 and also the proposed spend for 2019/20
Related Documents:
Bromley Beacon Academy policies:
- BBA Admissions Policy 2023/24
- BBA Anti Bullying Policy 2023/24
- BBA Assessment Policy 2023/24
- BBA Behaviour Policy 2023/24
- BBA Bursary 16-19 Policy Sept 2024
- BBA Destinations Sept 2024
- BBA Detailed Gatsby Careers Programme 2024
- BBA Safeguarding Policy 2024/25
- BBA SEND Policy and Information Report 2022/23
- BBA Student Entitlement SEPT 2024
- BBA Teaching and Learning and Marking and Feedback Policy 2023/24
Please click here to read all of our Trust policies.
- LSEAT Safeguarding Policy
- LSEAT Exclusion Policy
- LSEAT Complaints Policy
- LSEAT Whistleblowing Policy
- LSEAT Single Equality Scheme
- LSEAT Modern Slavery Policy
- LSEAT SEN Policy Arrangements
- LSEAT Charging and Remission Arrangements
- LSEAT Website Accessibility Statement
- LSEAT Accessibility Plan
- Group GDPR Policies
- Group Data and Information Sharing Policy
- Group Health and Safety Policy
- Group Environmental Management and Sustainability Policy
The General Data Protection Regulations (2018)
On the 25th May 2018, the new EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force. The GDPR is a law designed to enhance data protection
for EU residents and provide a framework for organisations and businesses with how they handle and process personal data.
The GDPR protects the personal data of individuals residing within the EU area, even if they themselves are not EU citizens. The regulations not only restrict organisations within the EU, any company worldwide that handles, stores and/or processes personal data of an EU resident must also comply. Fines for non-compliance are significant and can be up to 4% of worldwide turnover or 20,000,000 EUR whichever is the greater.
Bromley Beacon Academy and Bromley Trust Academy and our parent organisations (London South East Academies Trust and London South East Colleges) have always taken the security of personal data very seriously, are committed to complying with the GDPR and have spent considerable time analysing our data inventory and business processes and identifying change where needed to remain compliant. All staff at our academies have undergone training for the GDPR and their understanding tested.
Please use the menu to the right to find out more about the GDPR and what we are doing to address the new regulations.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the content on these pages is liable to change while the GDPR is being implemented into law.
KS2 SATs results
Standardised Assessment Tests - 2018/19 Outcomes
Children need to achieve a scaled score of 100+ in order to meet the expected standard; a score of less than 100 would mean that the standard has not been met. Children deemed as working significantly below age related expectations are not required to take part in these ‘Standardised Assessment Tests’ and therefore were not entered.
Children are assessed in Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar, Reading and Maths using Standardised Assessment Tests, however, writing is assessed using teacher assessment.
Due to the 2020 Pandemic there are no Standardised Assessment Tests for 2019/20
Expected standard met (at least) (Excluding chn not entered) |
3/5 | 60% |
Expected standard not met (Excluding chn not entered) |
2/5 | 40% |
Expected standard met (at least) (Excluding chn not entered) |
1/5 | 20% |
Expected standard not met (Excluding chn not entered) |
5/5 | 80% |
Expected standard met (at least) (Excluding chn not entered) |
0/5 | 0% |
Expected standard not met (Excluding chn not entered) |
5/5 | 100% |
Students achieving scaled scores of 90 or above
Students with scaled scores 90 or above in all 3 external assessments | 75% |
Students with scaled scores 90 or above in 2 external assessments | 75% |
Students with scaled scores 90 or above in 1 external assessments | 100% |
Percentage of students achieving at least 1 scaled score 90 or above | 100% |
This progress data is showing that there is 84% (up by 4% from the same time last year) of students are making expected or better than expected progress in both writing and maths with reading showing 88% (up by 8% from the same time last year) of students making this progress. Additionally 75% of the students achieved scaled scores of 90 or above in all 3 assessments with all students achieving a scaled score above 90 in at least 1 assessment.
Expected standard met (at least) (Excluding chn not entered) |
0/5 | 0% |
Expected standard not met (Excluding chn not entered) |
5/5 | 100% |
KS4 Outcomes 2022/23
2018/19 0verall |
2019/20 0verall |
2020/21 Overall |
2021/22 Overall |
Attainment |
Number of students in Yr 11 |
17 |
19 (21) |
14 (17) |
18 (20) |
5 (4-9) Passes |
24% |
31.6% (28.5%) |
41% (35%) |
50% (45%) |
5 (1 – 9) or Equiv Passes |
76% |
74% (67%) |
100% (94%) |
83% (75%) |
5 (4 – 9) or Equiv Inc EM |
24% |
31.6% (28.5%) |
41% (35%) |
50% (45%) |
5 (1 – 9)or Equiv inc EM |
76% |
74% (67%) |
100% (94%) |
83% (75%) |
1 ( 1 – 9) or Equiv passes |
100% |
100% (90%) |
100% (94%) |
100% (90%) |
1-9/ L1+ Passes in English |
94% |
100% (90%) |
100% (88%) |
100% (90%) |
1-9/ L1+ Passes in Maths |
94% |
100% (90%) |
100% (88%) |
100% (90%) |
4-9 Passes/Equiv in English |
29% |
47.3%(43%) |
62% (58%) |
67% (60%) |
4-9 Passes/Equiv in Maths |
29% |
47.3%(43%) |
41% (35%) |
50% (45%) |
Progress |
Progress from Baseline English(+3L) |
88% |
100% (90%) |
100% (94%) |
100% (90%) |
Progress from Baseline Maths (+3L) |
100% |
100% (90%) |
100% (94%) |
100% (90%) |
Progress from KS2 English |
59% |
79% (71%) |
100% (94%) |
100% (90%) |
Progress from KS2 Maths |
94% |
84%(76%) |
86% (76%) |
100% (90%) |
PP % 5 (1-9) Passes |
75% |
67% (60%) |
100% (94%) |
81% (70%) |
Non PP % 5 (1-9) Passes |
100% |
100% (67%) |
100% (100%) |
100% (100%) |
Average Number of qualifications |
7 |
7.2 (6.5) |
10 (9) |
10 (9) |
KS5 Attainment & Progress Data 2022/23
2019/20 |
2020/21 |
2021/2022 |
KS5 outcomes |
18 |
18 |
21 |
Cohort size |
83% |
72% |
81% |
Progress in Functional skills English |
83% |
72% |
81% |
Progress in Functional Skills Maths |
L2 |
L1 |
L2 |
Average Grade Per qualification in English |
L2 |
L1 |
L2 |
Average Grade Per qualification in Maths |
L2-50% |
L2- 41% |
L2 – 57% |
Attainment in Functional English |
L2-50% |
L2- 41% |
L2 – 47% |
Attainment in Functional Maths |
50% |
44% |
38% |
Percentage of Pupil Retention to end of KS5 |
16% |
17% |
19% |
Percentage of Pupil Destination - NEET |
28% |
17% |
29% |
Percentage of Pupil Destination - College |
6% |
11% |
14% |
Percentage of Pupil Destination - Employment |
11% |
N/A |
Percentage of Pupil Destination – Supported Internship |
2019/20 |
2020/21 |
2021/2022 |
Examamination Awardsing Bodies:
Please click to see DfE Performance Tables for Bromley Beacon Academy.