
Here you can find letters from previous academic years.

Orpington Site

Bromley Site

Through a planned Careers programme, Bromley Beacon Academy aims to contribute to raising aspirations, creating positive self-image, increasing self-confidence, improving motivation and overcoming barriers to success.

Our school has a critical role to play in preparing our young people for the next stage of their education or training and beyond. Our expectations are high, so every student is challenged appropriately and acquires the knowledge, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning that employers will value. This will help every young person to enhance their employability and realise their potential.

Our Careers Leader is Liona Miller-Simon.
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Careers Skills

We recognise the importance of developing the careers skills of our young people through our provision for Careers Guidance. We believe that young people need these skills to manage their own careers and to contribute to the well-being of themselves, their families, the communities and the wider society of which they are a part, the environment and the economy.

The school's careers provision, therefore, needs to help students to develop their self-efficacy, raise their aspirations and help them carry out career exploration. They must also become more adaptable and resilient, make decisions and transitions, be more enterprising and be able to present themselves well in applications and interviews.

We are therefore working towards the 8 Gatsby Principles to ensure all our young people are able to access high quality information, advice and guidance throughout their time with us.

The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

As part of our careers programme we believe employability skills are extremely important, which is why we ensure all young people have work experience opportunities in KS4 and KS5.

We also believe ‘employability and transferable skills’ are an essential part of our day to day curriculum to give our young people the skills to make them ‘employable’ in the future. The top 10 skills that employers want and seek in potential employees are:

  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Using your initiative and being self-motivated
  • Organisational skills
  • Working under pressure and to deadlines
  • Team working
  • Ability to learn and adapt
  • Numeracy
  • Valuing diversity and difference
  • Negotiation Skills

Careers Programme

There is a planned Careers Programme throughout the year for all students from Year 7. The programme is reviewed regularly to ensure the needs of all students are being met.

The Careers programme is monitored through the School Development plan.

All careers events are evaluated by staff, students and providers to ensure learning objectives are met.

Destinations at KS4 and KS5 are closely monitored and students are supported after leaving school where necessary.

The number of NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training) figures remain low and preferably at 0%

Useful Documents/Links

Curious about jobs in different sectors?

Why not use the widget below to get easy access to current labour market information. You can find out more about potential wages, demand for skills in a specific sector and common tasks expected of an employee in a specific role.


Bromley Beacon Academy has an official school uniform that we expect all students to wear at all times whilst on school site. Parents/carers facing financial difficulty over school uniform or PE/Games Kit should contact the Headteacher, who will advise in strict confidence.

Uniform is to be worn as follows:

Orpington Site:

  • Black sweatshirt with school logo (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • White shirt/polo shirt or
  • Black polo shirt with school logo (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • Black trousers or black knee length skirt (no leggings)
  • Black shoes or black trainers only

We will also expect all students to change into a school PE kit: 

  • White T-shirt with school logo (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • Black PE shorts (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • Black or white socks
  • Trainers or boots as applicable

Bromley Site:

  • Black and gold tie (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • Black V neck jumper with gold stripes (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • White shirt
  • Black trousers or knee length skirt
  • Black shoes or trainers only

We will also expect all students to wear a school PE kit:

  • Black polo shirt with school emblem (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • Black shorts (1 supplied by the school on admission and/or September term)
  • Black or white socks
  • Trainers or boots as applicable

All items of clothing and kit, including the bag in which the kit is carried, must be clearly labelled with the student’s name.

There is no special shop from which to purchase the clothing; additional items with the school logo can be purchased from the school office if or as required.

If students do not come to school in appropriate school uniform, they will be required to change into uniform provided by the school or return home to change if they live nearby. The clothing should be clean.

Please contact the school immediately if you would like to discuss a specific requirement or temporary need relating to your child wearing uniform.

Personal Items

Only essential school equipment should be brought onto the school site. Personal music players, mobile phones and cameras are not permitted. Students bringing these objects onto the school site must hand them in to the Behaviour Team or placed in their lockers for safe keeping until the end of the school day. Refusal to hand in these objects will result in confiscation until collected by parents/carers. The school cannot accept responsibility for personal items which are not insured whilst on school property.

Students should not wear jewellery to school although those with pierced ears are permitted to wear up to ONE pair of stud earrings. Please ensure that hoops are not worn in any piercings as they are a health and safety issue.

No caps or hats are permitted in school however, exemptions will be made for religious head coverings.

Click here for the full uniform policy.



We work very closely with our catering provider to ensure our food menu provides an appetising selection for our students as well as ensuring we meet the School Food Standards.

All students are provided with breakfast each morning, a variety of different snacks at break time as well as fruit and a meal at lunchtime which they sit and eat with their form group peers and staff.

Orpington Site Menu

Bromley Site Menu

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